Autumn is on its way and with it, Cross Country season. The Start Fitness North East Harrier League starts on 25 September and it’s time to clean off those spikes you shoved in a carrier bag somewhere…
If you would like to take part, please email your name, date of birth and England Athletics number to
If you’ve never ran Cross Country before, I would urge you to give it a go! I suspect it’s a bit like Marmite, a love/hate thing, but it will do wonders for your running fitness and stamina.
Cross country is an ideal way to build endurance and fitness over the autumn and winter. Running on soft ground requires a higher knee lift and running up hills has obvious benefits, it will also make you mentally tougher. If you are training for a spring marathon, cross-country will give you a fantastic base of fitness, strength, and endurance to build on. And if you just like to run socially, cross-country is one of the most popular mass-participation running events we do.
Anyone can participate, it’s open to all ages and abilities. It’s sociable, inclusive, and fun, so long as you don’t mind getting dirty. There are plenty of different abilities in the same race and you probably won’t come last.
Cross country is a team sport and the way the scoring works, every runner matters, whether you are in the fast, medium, or slow pack. It would be fantastic to get a good turnout this season after the impact of Covid-19. Even if you can’t commit to all of the fixtures, why not give at least one a go?